
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Expenses expenses

I just realised this might be a very expensive time for Riyan. Because his kitchen needs serious revamping. Bachelors being bachelors (I admit I'm stereotyping here) cares very little or knows very little about what is worth buying for the kitchen and what is not. The least surprising part is that it doesn't bother them at all.

But tell me, how do I cook with rusty pots and pans? Nothing. I've been living off the microwave for the little time I've been here and I don't think I can depend on it any longer than the week. And I've been wondering why he's been eating out or being brought food by his parents while I was away.

I also am planning to get some bakeware for the underused oven. And make full use of the rice cooker and steamer soon, after I get the ingredients. Then it will finally feel like a kitchen again.

Right now, I'm looking at last minute travel deals around the region because Riyan told me to. They look really cheap though maybe still not as cheap as travelling from Singapore to the other parts of that region. :( I'm so used to dividing the money by two and thinking "Wow, that's really cheap", that I occasionally do it here. Only to realise, it IS already in Euros and that's the end result - I should actually be multiplying by two.

So we were in town yesterday - ate Banoffi at this quaint little cafe snuggled up in a corner, ran by Eastern European boys who were dressed like Mafias. Complete with the black coat in the summer, unbuttoned shirts, and lit cigarettes with a bunch of brothers, sitting out in the sun. I jokingly told Riyan that they were "nice to look at, but probably bad in bed." I'm most likely wrong, of course. I was just basing it on the various mafia films with Eastern European men being all patriachal and 'traditional' lovers, who hang out with "the bros" and treat women like accessories.

So after the chicken mushroom spinach mozarrella crepe lunch, we watched L'empreinte de l'ange (Mark of an angel) at the IFI, ate the earlier mentioned banoffi, and headed to Bray by the DART (the local train service) on a whim. Just because I'd earlier asked where is the nearest beach - I know Dublin is right on the East coast in the map of Ireland but somehow I've never been to the East coast. I've only seen Galway and Kerry (both on the West coast) but never Dublin. So we boarded the train all the way down to Bray. It was beautiful, actually seeing people utilising the beach, lazing around, enjoying the sun. The water was extremely cold though. Even Riyan said it was cold and his feet were numb so I'm sure it wasn't just because I was used to the Asian warmer waters. But it was still nice to see the beach with people in it - the beaches are always nearly empty during the colder seasons, for obvious reasons.

It's Riyan's first day at work today. It's just under an hour left till he knocks off. I just heard a little kid playing outside and he sounded so much like my little brother. :( I wonder how the whole family is doing. I hope they get to really enjoy themselves in Bangkok this month. It'll be my mum and little brother's first plane ride. :) I hope the rare trip will put their minds off all the stress back home.

I just checked the weather forecast - It's going to get cooler (or colder, for my case), tomorrow onwards. It's going to rain on Friday and Saturday. :( Let's hope it gets warmer again after.

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