
Friday, May 15, 2009

Excitement overload

I love this feeling. Being able to look forward to so many things, to making more happy memories. Tonight is going to be exciting meeting everyone, and seeing a surprise taking place. I wrote little cards for everyone and I made cheesecake! I hope everything goes by smoothly enough.

I also got myself a little excited talking to Riyan for a good 5 minutes last night. He was busy doing his last minute travel shopping. It's so surreal. My room is neater but nowhere near "done" stage. I hope he doesn't mind it being this way. I'm terrible at cleaning my own mess, it seems. I get lazy and want to throw everything out, only to realise the stash included my 2GB thumbdrive, Tony's makeshift iPod and other similar items. Once, I even nearly threw out my certificates and report books. I got traumatised then, and decided to never clean my room myself. Okay, that's quite a convenient excuse for plain laziness.

I love potlucks. And I love the fact that my friends love potlucks. I love barbeques too. I'm still awaiting the single one Akmal promised to plan but never did. Maybe my friends should get Keith to plan instead seeing he's as free as a bird. Come on, it'll be nice to have a massive gathering before everyone ventures off to pursue their degrees, start National Service, or leave the country.

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