
Friday, November 27, 2009


'Hollywood bullshit has won over Bollywood bullshit in the form of 2012' - A status I saw on my Facebook live feed a couple of days ago. A bit harsh, I thought. I've since understood what he meant.

I don't even need to include spoilers to prove his point. Watch the film's trailer and you'll get a gist of how overtly dramatic and preposterous the entire film was. Evading the town in a cramped car in spite of the earthquakes, and escaping two collapsing buildings on a small jet - You have to be some sort of a modern day Moses to be able to escape that extent of wrath Mother Nature has showed. There were too much fancy schmancy going on in the film that they forgot to instill realism in what was happening. Or maybe that was the style that director Roland Emmerich was going for. Perhaps it was his subtle way of conveying his amusement at the silly concept of 2012. Who'd know.

What I do know is that director Roland Emmerich was the man behind Independence Day (1996), Godzilla (1998), The Day After Tomorrow (2006) and 10,000 B.C. (2008). What they all had in common were the over-dramatised effects, and a world destruction plot. So perhaps, Emmerich was getting a tad too comfortable with his overused recipe for world destruction on film.

Obviously the movie title doesn't even deserve to be named '2012', seeing that the Mayan belief of 2012 was merely briefly mentioned and the entire film afterward was nothing more than a major visceral thrill of effects which incurred about US$200million or more in costs.

So sit back, and enjoy the film merely as a visual rollercoaster but don't expect too much on the concept of 2012 itself. For the latter, you're much better off watching a documentary.

If anyone were to think I'd be able to believe any of the occurrences in the film, I might as well go as far as to believe that due to the extreme tectonic plate shifts during the entire course of world annihilation, Republic of Ireland ended up being next to Singapore.


Anonymous said...

im not watching 2012 anymore, thank you sweetie

Candice said...

Hahahaha.I watched 2012 and it was an utter waste of my time, and the plot bordered on hilarity.

OLDHAG:D said...

I thought it was just a sappy show set in a post-apocalyptic world, but the graphic was nice :)