
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are

How can someone watch this and say they don't love it?

One of the must-see movies for me. It's coming out pretty late here though - Link. 14th January 2010!

I don't know about you, but just watching the various short clips online and the trailers managed to move me. I've heard that it's a pretty sad story for a child, but hey, I thought the Little Prince was pretty sad too. There's just a sort of deep melancholy about those children books. And somehow, they're the books that really stick by you. It seems like humans are prone to sadness even from a young tender age. I guess sadness is one of the strongest emotions one could feel, and that's why you hardly forget things that revolve around it. Being able to feel sad, makes you feel that you're alive.

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