
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Meant to be

Have you ever wondered what you're meant to do with your life? Sometimes, I think about it and, I feel like my most certain long term plan is to be a mother. Yes, I think I'm meant to be a mother.

The one who gives the little push to the kids in the direction they want to take, learning from her own mistakes of letting big chances slip away. The one who strives to provide the best for the kids yet letting them learn what it takes to receive that 'best'.

The one who relives childhood memories as ambiguous lessons, letting them be exposed to the many things out there bit by bit. The one that will converse with them like they're little adults. The one who tells them exactly what they did wrong, and what they did right. The one who will never give up on them.

And most importantly, the one who loves them through and through.

...despite how difficult motherhood have proven to be over years of time.

Sigh, it's the time of the month.

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