
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is the world coming to?

The latest Earthquake/Tsunami:
Link 1
Link 2

Just when I said I couldn't feel anything, I felt it. The tremors I mean. Earthquakes have got to be one of the most shocking natural disasters. Not saying the others are not. They all are. It's just that, in my mind, you sort of know a drought is coming when it stops raining for awhile, floods might happen if the rain is pouring too heavily... And you always have that little glimpse of hope, heading somewhere seemingly 'less dangerous'. Even if it proves to be otherwise, you had that hope. For earthquakes, the land you're standing on seems to shake and crack apart, bulky items hit you from any direction, and you have absolutely no clue where to run to, nor where it came from.

Then again, I'll never ever know unless I'm in that situation, at the exact time. While we're swaying away, homes may have buried their owners in it, children may be lost in the sands. It's just unbelievable. Almost like the phrase that goes something like - when a butterfly flaps its wings, it can cause a tornado elsewhere. Of course, you don't take it literally but, it's kind of the idea that the little rain we feel may just a little bit of that ferocious torrential storm elsewhere.

And it seems like Indonesia has been hit too many times in recent years by tsunamis and earthquakes. It's just very unfortunate.

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