
Monday, July 27, 2009

Falling apart


Ever since the previous week when Ron came down to visit and we hiked up Bray head in totally inappropriate attire - I was in jeans, turtleneck and freaking slippers; while still being down with the cold. What were we thinking!? I could have died up there. If not from over-exhaustion with the flu, I could have fallen off the rocks The view was worth it, but if I did die, surely it wouldn't be worth that!?

But that's past - and was only the beginning of the worst. I injured my feet somehow, unsurprisingly. And wanting to make the most out of Ron's short stay in Ireland and in NRW, Germany, we walked around a lot, hiked up a few more places, slept very little. My cough got worse, feet hurting progressed to excruciating leg pains. By the end of my Germany trip, I can't walk a mile without having a seat somewhere. For the first time in my life, I could feel my legs fighting to support my weight. It's like I'm too heavy for my legs to bear.

I knew I would have enjoyed everything so much better if I wasn't sick nor hurting. Despite all that though, I enjoyed myself tremendously and learnt a great deal about the beautiful German culture. It's nothing like what I expected or imagined. It was far far better. I think it's probably Numero Uno in the charts of my favourite European place so far. To be fair, I haven't seen a great deal of the rest of Europe. So we'll see if it keeps being the top. It'll be a tough challenge though. I loved the food, the culture, the friendliness, the language, the beautiful people, the rich heritage, the fusion between old and new. Too much to list down.

Ok, get well soon, legs!

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