
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ne pas touche!

I dreamt I had a full conversation with my boyfriend in French, with no interruptions and dilution in language.

R: est-ce que je peux le manger?
N: ne pas touche!
R: pourquoi?
N: aucun pourquoi.
-insert more giggles and long french conversations about random things which I've completely forgotten by now-

I have no idea if any of it even made sense to a French person. It just happened to make a lot of sense to me, in my little dreaming head. But it felt really good, having the language at the tip of your tongue. It's like a wake up call or something telling me I haven't spoken any other language aside from English ever since I got here. Not Malay, not Chinese, certainly not German nor French. It starts being quite a bore, really. I'm looking forward to when Ron comes down - even a little Singlish might be refreshing. And Germany. Or maybe even a Gaeltacht area in Cork? Or get Milena to speak to me in all the languages she ever knows aside from English. Hahahaha. Well, I shall not drag anyone else into this self-started problem of my own. Uhhuh. Enough of this.

So I reached Ireland at 12am Wednesday due to flight delays in Edinburgh, no thanks to the sudden fog and mist that came in just as we're about to depart. By the time we got home, it was about 1am. Riyan had to get up at 4am to be in time for work at 6am. Obviously, he got home looking wrecked and plopped right into bed and slept from 1.30pm all the way till uh, the next morning, which is today, at 6am. It's amazing how one can sleep so much.

Right now, I have no rice at home, no bread. So it's pasta time. (edit: I got lazy and made salad)

And I forgot what else I wanted to write. Ok bye world.

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