
Friday, June 5, 2009

Home sweet home

"Can you do me a favour?"
"What is it now?"
"Can you fly back home now? You're missed :("

:( Like I told a friend yesterday, it's more likely that I'm missing everyone so much more than anyone's missing me. Simply because, I'm very much all alone here. Even Milena and the rest of Riyan's family members aren't exactly very near to me. Back home, I can just call up Timothy, Candice and Izyan, walk over to their homes or hang out in our neighbourhood, find things to do together or just bask in one anothers' company, with comfortable silences, comfortable doing nothing nor seeing anything at all. Three friends living in such close proximity to me - such a luxury.

Looking beyond my neighbourhood, even the 'neighbouring' neighbourhoods are close enough. Slacking at Natasha's place, or Jerald's place. Meeting like-minded, restless insomniacs like Jai. Haha. Seeing Deepan on his bike, bunking at Sanjay and Navin's neighbourhood. Meeting Kadri on a whim, going jamming. Such luxury.

Mark told me "People here (UK) don't exactly socialise much, they're happy with a bottle of beer and whoever they happen to come across at work or home, or even just alone. Which is why I miss my visits to Singapore too. You'll always end up making friends. Somehow I think it's the weather as well. It's only the summers where we get to go out and be happy, the other seasons are a tad more depressing."

I don't know how far true is that. Everyone seems pretty happy the way they are here. I don't see people whinging about their lives. Haha. For me, I think it's just the way of life you're used to. I'm used to having fun the way I do, I'm used to the sort of people I'm exposed to, I'm used to the warm weather more than the cold, I'm used to Singlish. Which is why travelling once in awhile is supposed to always be fun. You're away from the familiarities of home, and you learn more about how others live their life. It's always something new. When the novelty of it all wears off, you pine for home or something else newer. Or you adapt bit by bit.

At the end of the day though, home is home. It's what shaped us into who we are. It's beautiful everywhere but nowhere's much more beautiful than where you spent most of your life in, where most of the people you care about are. And it happens to be Singapore for me. :)

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