
Thursday, September 17, 2009


They're not exactly the most predictable of things. I do enjoy the convenience of having everything sent to my doorstep and the often cheaper deals you get online compared to the shops you actually walk into. There're the pros and cons you have to consider though.

I'm going to cover the cons I've faced so far.

There are things I avoid buying online at all cost - Shoes, Pants, Skirts. Why? Because skirts/pants/shoes that are too tight or loose will not get you anywhere. Tops and dresses do leave a little leeway for your body. If you're size 8, most likely you'd be able to squeeze into a size 6, or you can handle a little comfortable space if you got a size 10. But the size difference in shoes and pants/skirts make too much of a difference for you to play around.

Secondly, if everything above is irrelevant to what you're buying (you're about to buy things like keychains, cosmetics), the most apparent thing that you'd worry about is usually - What if the items are not what they appear to be online? Some irresponsible blogshop owners do have the tendency to pose photos which look SIMILAR to the items you're buying instead of the SAME items. And you might have to go through the whole process of "building your case" and demanding you get a refund etc. Too much hassle, you say.

Well, the WORST thing you can ever face while shopping online is terribly bad 'service'. To a certain extent, they're usually not registered shops (you're unprotected, really) and they don't particularly charge you "service charge" so you can't complain too much. On the other hand, who would ever want to do business with someone who's responsibility to her customers is zero on the scale of 100? If blogshop owners can have a 'blacklist' against consumers who are complete douchebags, I think they have a right to treat all other good buyers with due respect as well. Or am I asking for too much?

Sometimes, it's all about luck. I only wished someone else would have told us not to deal with the blogshop below so we could have avoid all that unnecessary stress we had to while dealing with getting a perfect gift for a dear friend's 21st.

Read my friend's review here. It's sellers like this that give online stores a terrible name.

At least now, you'll know to avoid that blog mentioned in the review at all costs. If you need similar items, there's a similar blogshop if you search for it. Not only are the items more reasonably priced, there're loads of people raving about the store dispatching their items the next day, always keeping their customers updated on their items and basically things I like hearing about a store before I buy anything from them.

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