The soundtrack from irish film "Once" remains one of the most beautiful soundtracks that exist out there.
I knew I loved the songs. I just never had the opportunity to indulge myself in something I loved so much (music) lately. Ever since my Macbook died and my phone was stolen. I had nothing I could use to really listen to the tracks I own.
Yesterday, I decided to have a listen again. And without warning, tears started to well up in my eyes. I've always believed music brings you to places of your past which your mind pretends it has forgotten. I was brought back to the time, under a duvet in the cold, watching the film.
Feeling the sting at the ending, wondering what went wrong...or right.
When I was younger, I used to see things in black or white, with no grey areas between. I'm not quite sure anymore, now. Everything's grey. All's right, and all's wrong. We are as right as we are wrong.
Always happy for the future we get, but unhappy for the past we left behind. The past never leaves you.
I think of all the people I've met in my life from time to time. Friends, acquaintances, lovers. And I wonder where they're at now. I wonder what they're doing, if they occasionally were kind enough to place me in their thoughts as well. If they hated me or loved me, if they thought lowly of me, or highly. If they wished the best for me or the worst. If they'd ever want to say hello again.