
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Social Ineptitude.

It annoys me, greatly. And I'm not afraid of saying it. It seems like my actions of keeping mum and giving off a light smile everytime someone says stupid things, has led people to believe that I actually agree with their opinions. No, it's not a given that I'll always agree with you. I just like to think that most things are subjective and I don't enjoy aggressively fighting off someone else or having to be answerable to anyone else for my own thoughts. I avoid tension by giving a light smile and I expect that to be enough to conclude everything and agree to disagree. (I mean even the term 'social ineptitude' would have very subjective definitions) Anyway, what I've realised is that the way I've been reacting to people I dislike, somehow seem to have resulted in me making more acquaintances of the same kind!

And these people seem to feel that it's okay to express thoughts from their fetid minds to me, thinking "she can handle it". My expanding social circle is starting to look a bit warped and the socially intelligent crowd is diminishing.

It annoys me when someone who doesn't know what to say, says something anyway and let it backfire in their faces - All the while, vehemently fighting for a 'lost cause' that started from not knowing anything about the subject. Arrogance in ignorance really doesn't do it for me. It is OKAY to admit that we don't know what is going on and to admit that we are neutral to the issues. It's like building a case on nothing at all. What is the point and what is it you seek? It's perfectly normal not to know some things and okay not to have an opinion on something.

And I find myself increasingly intolerant of people whingeing about things that have obvious solutions laid before them. Once again, I tend to just nod away and hope they'd stop talking about it. But I think this method has ceased to work. Because people do not take subtle hints anymore. These days, it's all about being 'in your face'.

The arrogance of certain people who think everyone wants to hear about them and their thoughts. Keep your thoughts to yourself unless you're being asked for them. Do not butt into a conversation you know nothing about and lastly, practise a little thinking before speaking lest you make a fool out of yourself. Save people the awkwardness of pretending it never happened afterwards.

I know we can't help meeting people that annoy us once in awhile, but we certainly can choose wanting not to keep a close friendship with them in future. And I'm not saying we should constantly change for someone else and lose our identities either (which are ever changing anyway), but rather, be conscious of your actions and words and if someone chooses not to like you, so be it. Don't indulge in a blame game. Nobody owes you anything. He or she is as much a jerk as you are. You are just not the right person he or she wants to befriend and move along, instead of whining. At the end of the day, I'm sure you still have others who love you for "who you are", it just might not be me.


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